Depth to pressure conversion. Leroy '68 equation

Mathematical definition

$$\boxed{P\left( {Z,\phi } \right) = 0.102506\left( {1 + 5.28 \times {{10}^{ - 3}}{{\sin }^2}\phi } \right)Z + 2.524 \times {10^{ - 7}}{Z^2}}$$

Notation Description Units Limits Conversion
$P$ pressure $\text{kPa}$ $P\left[ {{\rm{kPa}}} \right] = P\left[ {{\rm{kgf/c}}{{\rm{m}}^2}} \right] \times 9.80665 \times {10^1}$
$Z$ depth $\text{m}$
$\phi$ latitude $\text{deg.}$ $-90\ < \phi < 90$

Octave/Matlab implementation

function P = depth_to_pressure_sea_leroy_68(D,L)
% Inputs
%   D: depth \ m
%   L: latitude \ degree \ -90 < L < 90
% Outputs
%   P: pressure \ kPa

    P = 0.102506*(1+(5.28e-3)*sind(L).^2).*D+(2.54e-7)*(D.^2);
    P = P.*9.80665e1;

Computational examples


  1. Leroy, Claude C; Parthiot, François, "Depth-pressure relationships in the oceans and seas", 1998